1.I have normal egestion and the swelling should not be my testis.
2.Undescended testis is frequently accompanied with the anomalies of the spermatic cord,gubernaculum testis,processus vaginalis,and epididymis.
3.Objective To differentiate the diagnosis of acute testitis and testis distortion.
4.The testes,ovarium and reproductive tube of adult treeshrew in its morphology and weight have marked seasonal changes.
5.Objectives: To investigate the appearance and change of multinucleate cells in the seminiferousepithelium induced by local heating of the rat testis.
6.Methods 4 patients underwent testis homotransplantion with their relatives testis as donor tissue.Of them, 2 suffered from iatrogenic anorchia and the other 2 from hypogonadism.
7.In the latest studies, scientists caught 82 male Eng-lish sole and hornyhead turbot off Los Angeles and Or-ange counties. Of those, 11 possessed ovary tissue in their testes.
8.LDH-C4 is specific to mature testes and spermtozoa of bird and mammal.It is related to metabolic processes that provide energy for motility and survival of spermtozoa.LDH-C4 is an autoantigen.
9.Simple orchiopexy was performed in four of them, and laparoscopic orchiectomy was do,ie smoothly in the other two due to severely hypo plastic changes of the testes and the ages of the patients.