1.Antherozoid (spermatozoid) The male gamete of algae, some gymnosperms, and the non-seed-bearing plants.
2.Gametangium (pl. gametangia) A cell or organ in which sexual cells (gametes) are produced.
3.Diplont A diploid organism that represents the vegetative stage in life cycles in which haploidy is restricted to the gametes.
4.Undulipodium (pl. undulipodia) A whiplike organelle that protrudes from a eukaryotic cell and is used chiefly for locomotion (e.g. motile gametes) or feeding (e.g. ciliate protoctists).
5.As a means to address this deficiency it was recently shown that human spermatozoal RNA isolated from the ejaculate can be used to transcriptionally profile the male gamete.
6.Individuals crossing exclusively within the same population produce more progeny than those crossing in both directions and thereby use up some of their gametes for the production of inviable hybrids.