3.Maybe pulmonary edema was not in the cards for me after all.
4.Manifestations include edema and swelling, pain and tenderness, muscle spasm, deformity, ecchymosis, loss of function, and crepitation.
5.Necrotic posthitis is characterized by evertive swelling, edema and necrosis in the prepuce of feedlot steers and bulls.
6.(5) gingivitis or gingivostomatitis obvious gingival edema, hyperemia, gingival bleeding edge with the nipple, a little more obvious to stimulate bleeding.
7.Objective: To evaluate the findings of perifocal edema on CT scan in differentiating acute intratumoral hemorrhage from simple intracerebral hematoma.
8.Eight cases of poor remedied vision were caused by diabetic retinopathy, post-operative cystic edema of the macula lutea, or traumatic keratoleukoma.
9.At high magnification, the alveoli in this lung are filled with a smooth to slightly floccular pink material characteristic for pulmonary edema.
10.The article reviews the changes of hematoma and ischemic penumbra, brain edema, hyperfibrinolysis after cerebral hemorrhage, and as well as amyloid angiopathy.
11.This disease is an unusualsevere type of hemolytic disease of newborn (erythroblastosis fetalis)characterized by pathognomonic edema of whole body and the placenta.All the cases were dead fetuses.
12.Marasmic kwashiorkor is a mixed form of PEM, with edema occurring in children who are marasmic, and who may or may not have other associated signs of kwashiorkor.