1.A tombstone is erected in memory of whoever it commemorates.
2.The genus name commemorates the Cherokee Indian Sequoyah.
3.This building was built to commemorate the Fire of London.
4.A tablet commemorates his patriotic activities.
5.This monument commemorates our victory.
6.The Fung Hon Chu Endowed Chair of Humanics is set up to commemorate the late Mr.Fung Hon-chu, father of the Fung brothers.
设立 冯汉柱基金全人教育教授念两位冯博士的已故父亲冯汉柱先生。
7.Another great church, erected on Mount Zion and known as the "Mother of Churches" -- commemorated the site of the Last Supper and the"dormition" of Mary.
8.In order to commemorate the dead buba, he set up Bouba.Gan, and half of the company's shares to the Bouba's mother, a gardener to do their own.