4.The history of the family is cloaked in mystery.
5."Line your old cloak?" shouted Mr. McGregor "I shall sell them and buy myself baccy!"
6.Their cloak of neutrality in the Iran-Iraq war was beginning to wear a bit thin.
7.As a shepherd delouses his cloak, he shall delouse the land of Egypt and depart victorious.
8.The banshees cloak and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry.
9.They only had what passed for self-awareness, cloaking a flightiness and lethargy that was both childish and very real.
10.She threw a heavy woollen cloak over her shoulders.
11.You wear hector’s cloak.
12.Even our local produce seller, a deeply pious man with a gentle wife who wears a chador (an open cloak that covers the head and body), could not contain his fury at Ahmadinejad.