3.Findings: Smooth midline cavity separating the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles (anterior to the foramen of Monro) and appearing isodense with cerebrospinal fluid.
12.Shift your weight to one side, grab the opposite ankle, quad stretch, squeeze inner thighs to the midline, smile, you're amazing, appreciate your body.
13.And remember, Saturn is oblate, so as the rings formed they would've felt a gravitational tug from Saturn's equatorial bulge, centering them right over the planet's midline.
15.Then a surgeon named Chad Schmiedt carefully cut down the midline of her belly-past the two shriveled kidneys that were no longer doing their job and almost to her groin.
16.A large subdural hematoma on one side of the skull can cause a midline shift, which is the displacement of the whole brain toward the opposite side of the skull.
17.An upper motor neuron extends down from the left motor cortex, goes across the midline in the brainstem to the right side, and then meets with a right lower motor neuron which hitches a ride on the right facial nerve.