1.The skyey peaks are shrouded in heavy snow, the several old tall trees are leafless and branchless, which enhances the desolateness.
2.Tendril unbranched or bifurcate. Inflorescence usually a polychasium. Seeds elliptic, obovoid-elliptic, or obtriangular, surface smooth, corrugated, or with strumose protuberance or ribs.
3.Vacuoles in the synergids tended to concentrate mainly in the chalazal region.There was a peak period of lipid formation in the two synergids.
4.Undulipodium (pl. undulipodia) A whiplike organelle that protrudes from a eukaryotic cell and is used chiefly for locomotion (e.g. motile gametes) or feeding (e.g. ciliate protoctists).
5.The lowest cell density was found in duodenum.The origin of distributive mode of argyrophil cells in the digestive tract of Takydromus wolteri might be related to its habitat and feeding habit.