6.He utterly disregarded my warnings and met with on accident.
他然不听我的警告, 结果出了事故。
7.The damage it would cause makes the idea utterly impracticable.
8.She was utterly feminine and devastatingly attractive in an unstudied way.
9.Utterly devoted to the people,he gave his life in saving his patients.
10.He was utterly repulsive to her.
11.After the fire swallowed his cottage,the old man could not but feel utterly bereft.
12.Henry is utterly insupportable.
13.She affected to be spunky about her ailments and afflictions, but she was in fact an utterly self-centered valetudinarian.
14."We've become completely and utterly desensitise to the fact that breeding these deformed, disabled, disease-prone animals is either shocking or abnormal."
15.So while the two are utterly unalike-and a nine-year age difference stares them squarely in the face-the miracle of art brings them crashing together.
16.I've seen more than a few hives throwing off a swarm, and never has one failed to transfix me utterly, or to dumbfound everyone else within sight of it.