1.It has converted yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas.
2.Australia has major coal, gas, and uranium reserves.
3.They went over nationwide in search of uranium mines.
4.At Scinto 6 uranium occurs in much altered dolerite below the unconformity.
5.Objective To investigate more effective substances or their combination for depleted uranium (DU) decorporation.
6.Lightering rely on the port, the output of cocoa, timber, uranium ore, and other selected.
7.Absorption velocity increases with initial pressure, and keeps constant at different initial composition of uranium deuteride.
8."euxenite:a lustrous, blackish-brown rare-earth mineral consisting primarily of cerium , erbium, titanium, uranium, and yttrium."
9.Several passive biosorption mechanisms of uranium such as complexation,redox,microprecipitation and ion exchange are discussed,and the trend of development is forecasted.
10.Mineral exploration made important progress in .coal, uranium, iron, gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, antimony, tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, kainite and characteristic non-metal.
11.This article discusses and summarizes uraniferous characteristics of paleochannel depositional systems based on depositional characteristics of fluvial systems and geochemical behaviour of uranium.
12.Rossing uranium mine is the only operating uranium mine in the world where the uranium occurs in intrusive alaskite.
13.There was another example, and that was the famous case of the alleged contract between Iraq and Niger for the import of yellowcake, uranium oxide.
14.By using the approach of morphostructure and tectonic chronology analysis, neotectonic activity evidences and characteristics as well as its ralation to uranium mineralization were researched.
15.Generation of uranium was closely related to migration and escaping of natural gas and may be also relevant to hydrothermal solution activities during epigenesis period.
16.But an unexpected fact was noted: certain minerals( pitchblende, chalcolite, autunite) had a greater activity than might be expected on the basis of their uranium or thorium content.
17.A tax advantage is also available to holders of most depletive assets—those which are used up, or depleted, over a period of time—like oil, natural gas, uranium, or coal.