1.The deleterious ingredients in gas emission of sculpturing organic glass were studied,using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry coupled with 3-step preconcentrator.
2.Besides, laser optoacoustic spectroscopy technique and laser mass spectrometry will play more important role in research of internal combustion engine.
3.Methods for determination oil volume on tin plate surface were reviewed,which include gravimetry, hydrophil balance method, molecular spectrometry and ellipsometry etc.
电镀锡板弧表面抗划伤性近来受到越来越多重视 ,但至今对此尚无统一标准测试方法。
4.Desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry of twelve metallohematoporphyrin complexes has been investigated under DEP condition using mixture of tetramethylsilane and methane as regent gas.
5.The content of As and Sb in paints are analyzed by hydride generat io n atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) and L-cysteine prereduction proces s.
6.In this review,we described the recent development of mass spectrometry techniques for the study of peptidase structure and function in the central nerve system of Aplysia and other mollusks.