3.There are neoformative foliation and lineation(stretching lineation) in the shear zone.
4.The farmer is shearing his sheep.
5.It is suitable for shearing lap of cotton and man-made fire flat ruche and filling-knit fabric.
6.Oxgen precipitates (useful for gettering) can reduce the yield strength (critical shear stress) up to fivefole.
7.The I type shear blocks dowelled bidirectional hollow plates (I SBDBHPs) are the most widely used.
8.Short-limbed wall (SLW) is an intergradation of structure style between erose-section-column frame and conventional shear wall structure.
9.Bioreactor can improve nutrition transmittability, provide hydrodynamic environment, induce shear stress, and promote production of cartilage specific matrix protein.
10.The thermal depolymerization of crumb rubber–asphalt system could be controlled by using the coadjustment of shearing temperature and shearing time.
11.Lastly, by using the FORTRAN language, the thesis compiles the program of the stiffness optimization process of short-leg shear wall-corewall structure.
12.Piezoresistivity of ECAC may involve proximity effect, microcrack and the staggered arrangements of conductive pass-ways due to shear strength of aggregates.
13.Objective To investigate the effect of vasal viscoelasticity on wall shear stress of pulsatile flow under the influence of Rolling Massage.
14.Structure design and performance characteristics of synchron system and hydraulic accumulator of hydraulic sheet shears used in uncoiling line have been introduced.
15.Disposing welding section steel cross bridging in the slab-column system is a good means to avoid disposing abaci and elevating shear resistance.
16.Testing study is made on the basic mechanical property of thenardite salt rock,which includes uniaxial compressive,indirect tensile and angle changed shear tests.
17.Bad weather, such as the heavy summer rains, after drouth, which saturate ploughed soil, reduce soil shear strength, facilitate masse soil movement, and instigate gullying.
18.From the angle that the energy of an explosive is used for shearing and crushing of a medium, the charge weight per blasthole is calculated.
19.The effects of sintering parameters on the shear and bond strength of ceramet friction material were studied and its fracture morphology was observed and analyzed.
20.Results Low shear rate and high shear rate of whole blood viscosity,plasma viscosity,haematocrit in different age stages in winter were significantly different from those in summer.