1.The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs.
2.The inexplicable disappearance of some nonlocal seasonal women worders worried everyone.
3.The hors d’oeuvre is seasonal vegetables.
4.Tree rings and seasonal sedimentary deposits called varves can be counted to determine absolute age.
5.Christian Frigo specializes in Italian cuisine as an unconditional believer in the usage of fresh seasonal ingredients.
6.The testes,ovarium and reproductive tube of adult treeshrew in its morphology and weight have marked seasonal changes.
7.It's traditionally sauteed in olive oil.Great additions include diced chicken, sauteed firm tofu, seitan and more seasonal vegetables.
8.Since it always was a seasonal cycle, and the ascendency followed this behavior, we averaged the ascendency over 365 successive days (duration of one year) in the oscillatory phase.
9.And the food bars were offering a seasonal mince pie and coffee combo, which (correct me if I'm wrong) has never before happened in the history of half-time snackery at Stamford Bridge.