1.Her head was resting comfortably against his chest.
2.It was so comfortable resting in his arms.
3.Some villagers were resting themselves in the shade.
4.It was resting on (or upon ) two supports.
它基于(或 upon ) 两点证明。
5.He sat on the grass, his back resting against the tree.
坐草地上, 背靠着树。
6.Abandoned fishing boats resting next to basalt reveal the leisurely atmosphere of Wangan.
7.I propose resting for an hour.
8.On entering the room, the nursemaid found the dove's body resting in peace beside the Princess.
9.Many of our more experienced players are injured or resting, which leaves the field clear for new talent.
10.White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls were always there waiting their turns, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, skylarking.
11.The most behaviors of white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and Himalayan griffon (Gyps hinalayensis ) were foraging, resting and locomotion during wintering season.
12.It has been demonstrated that the abnormal hypoactivity and synchronized rhythmic discharge of globus pallidus neurons associate with akinesia and resting tremor in parkinsonism.
13.The tobacconist on the other side of the street brought a chair out on to the pavement in front of his door and sat astride it, resting his arms on the back.