11.Written with Australian-trained medical scientist and naturopath Katrin Hempel, the book has 50 recipes designed to solve serotonin imbalance without drugs.
12.It is believed that the original potato chip recipe was created by chef George Crum at a restaurant in Saratoga Springs, NY.
13.The compositional recipe of carburizer and the technical parameter of heat treatment are determined by means of the microstructrue analysis,peeling analysis.TEM observation and sawability test.
14.The recipe of Wuerzburger coarse grilled bratwurst was began in 1937.The high temperature from burning charcoal browns the sausage, making the aroma from Majoram herbs come out.
15.The test group (31 cases) had been treated by hormone added recipe for resolving turbid pathogenic factor and reinforcing kidney, the control group (26 cases), by hormone added hexanicit.