1.Did the BBC act reasonably in sacking the journalist?
2.From this study we can reasonably infer that this behaviour is inherited.
3.I feel reasonably relaxed if I'm interviewed on my own ground.
4.Auditors will be required to provide any information reasonably requested by the bank.
5.I’m reasonably broad across the shoulders.
6.To depress the odds of eyewinkers enter the leechdom by reasonably using the axenic constringent atmosphere during the production flow.
7.Conclusions: Neuromotor examination can reasonably predict the walking attainment at 18 months corrected age in preterm infants after 9 months.
8.Any reasonably segregable portion of a record shall be provided to any person requesting such record after deletion of the portions which are exempt under this subsection.
9.This is clearly something to which a reasonably competent investment advisor would have had regard: the advice should not be inconsistent with an advisee's stated desires or objectives.
10.Article 3. During the trial process the judge shall abide by recusation principle. A judge shall disqualify himself mi a lawsuit in which the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned.
11.Since it is a priori proposition in the science of criminal law that a crime is a actus reus, omission undoubtedly has the nature of actus reus-the crux is to explain it reasonably.