1.The dispenser quickly filled the prescription for me.
2.The physician made a prescription against sea-sickness for him.
3.I gather up the prescription and follow him to the door.
4.I've got to pick up my prescription from the chemist's.
5.The robust design method was used to develop the prescription of the emulsion for photochromatic paper.
6.This discomfort can be relieved with over-the-counter or prescription medications.Follow your endodontist's instructions carefully.
7.The changes of neuroethology and oxidative stress in PD rats after treatment with compound rehmannia prescription were observed.
8.I think most prescriptions for Lean Production are missing acritical ingredient: a lean management system to sustain it.
9.Conclusion: The prescription of TCM can alleriate the thronic toxicity cadimium-induced in kidney and relief the damage of kidney.
10.To obey the prescription of absolute bedrest and the use of a bedpan in the bed was difficult to adjust to.
11.A total of 6 013 prescriptions were randomly sampled and analyzed aggregately by induction and tabulation based on the statistical method.
12.Objective To investigate the effect of Tongluo prescription on the antioxidative system and the vascular endo-thelium of thoracic aorta in diabetic rats.
13.You can now get tested for STDs by post.A positive result will lead to the prescription of free antibiotics or anti-viral medication.
The STI Clinic was created to provide an alternative to visiting a GUM clinic for STD tests for Chlamydia, Herpes and Gonorrhoea.
14.Her main job was filling the doctor's prescriptions.
15.In the end, Zaibun's zaniness could not top Goh's simple prescription for feeling good.
16.Abstract: On the basis of soya-bean and milk, producing technol og y and prescription of clabber were investigated in terms of cross-over experimen t.
摘 要: 以黄豆、牛乳主要原料,按照正交试验案,研究发酵奶的制作工艺和配。
17.Approved by the FDA in 2001, the patch is sold by prescription and releases ethinyl estradiol (a type of estrogen), and a progestin called norelgestromin via the skin into the bloodstream.