1.Dorsally, the starting point is just proximal to the standard 3-4 radiocarpal arthroscopy portal.
2.Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatogenous portal hypertension.
3.Objective To study the spiral CT features of pancreatogenic segmental occlusion of portal system (PSOPS).
4.Objective To explore the method of treatment for cirrhosis associated portal hypertension and hepatogenic diabetes.
5.Objective To approach the clinical tharacteristic and the selection of the treatment of prehepatic portal hypertension.
6.Objective:To investigate the clinic features and the diagnosis and treatment of prehepatic portal hypertension.
7.Portal vein was invaded in 3 cases and presented as infiltration, stegnosis or occlusion of the vein.
8.Say normally, "3 rivers " and " macle " already was old daughter-in-law boils a mother-in-law, but alone palm portal.
9.OBJECTIVE: To explore three-dimensional reconstruction of hepatic portal vein by laminagraphy of cast specimens to provide anatomic basis for hepatectomy.
10.Conclusion: The early use of salivia miltiorrhia, low molecular dextrar and dipyridamole can effectively prevent and treat the portal thrombosis after portal-azygous disconnection.
11.Cynosural Generator Arrays provide a permanent cynosural beacon available to everyone in your alliance, which can be the target of capital ship jumps or jump portal links.
12.The common bile duct passes inferiorly, anterior to the epiploic foramen, where it is anterior to the right edge of the portal vein and on the right side of the hepatic artery.
13.Check this thread or the Season Event entries on the community portal to read the riddle which will reveal the server, the playfield and the exact spot the Mountain Goat can be found at.