2.This room was originally designed to be my study.
3.The novel originally came from a true love affair.
4.The Franks were originally a loose confederation of Germanic tribes.
5.After much discussion they settled on the plan originally proposed.
6.It was originally published in the pages of a magazine.
7.Equites, in Roman history, were originally a division of the army.
8.Originally from Madagascar, the Poinciana trees were also aflame with orange-scarlet blooms, also hibiscus.
9.Stereographic projection is known since the antiquity and was originally known as the planisphere projection.
10.Originally involved in theater, in 1900 he began painting under the influence of Postimpressionism and Fauvism.
11.Trundling chromaticism has the music roll up to a fortissimo, the orchestra still proclaiming the originally wistful piano-theme.
12.Study "Kinetic" painting is affixation of the originally concept and behaviour of the painting, is subjoin of modern painting space mode.
13.After the parent of oaklet signs up, can get one a member of the same clan grow manual, learn unripe manual originally.
14."Lodge : Originally an insubstantial dwelling, or one erected for a temporary occupational purpose (e.g., woodcutting or masonry) or for use during the hunting season."
15.Here in this tiny garden along a busy London road is Albane Gaspard. Originally from France, she is one of 'Food Up Front's' most ardent volunteers.
16.The P-38 is a fairly rare warbird type, but this year's show had both 23 Skidoo and this beautiful 1944 P-38L, which originally operated as a photo reconnaisance aircraft.
17.The Taoist priest waist is hit by two eyes, Buddhist monk underfooting, one gold piece of cloth, is originally a common character of land under heaven , beats the land under heaven ordinary people.