1.An optimal sensor design method was presented for the multistation sheet metal assembly processes.
2.There doesn't exist a technology that could be the optimal solution for putrescible wastes.
3.In the paper we discuss immovability of model of source management by optimal basis matrix.
4.In this paper the optimal rendezvous guidance laws of the exoatmosphere are investigated by using the optimal control theory.
5.This feedback effect jointly determines the optimal contract, the propensity of market manipulation and price informativeness.
6.OBJECTIVE The optimal extraction and clathration craft of Rhizoma Atractylodis oil in Jianpizhixie Granulas were investigated in this study.
7.Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Medium (OPCM) is a complete medium designed for optimal growth of normal human oligodendrocyte precursor cells in vitro.
8.Using the method of optimal efficiency and maximal quantity of refrigerating output, a thermoelectricity refrigeration system commix with compress refrigeration is designed.
9.In this paper, formulize concrete measures of optimal design of the extrusion die for a four-cavity thin wall aluminum alloy flat pipe.
10.A class of nonconforming finite elements are applied to hyperbolic equation with semidiscretization on anisotropic meshes, the optimal error estimates are derived.
11.In order to determine the optimal design scheme of a exported tram vehicle,a comfort evaluation methodology based on multi-vehicle trainset was presented.
12.Objective To study the optimal time for operation of intermittent exotropia, so that we can orthopia strabismus and attain normal binocular function.
13.Kriging is an important part of geostatistics, which deals with spatially distributed data, the estimation of Kriging is linear optimal and unbiased interpolative.
14.Plan marrier this year a lot of oh, small family building dish it is to marry one of optimal options that buy a house.
15.The limit of technical policies for complex rhythmite reconstruction is developed by establishing typical model and using numerical modeling predicting method and optimal segmentation.
16.Since a mutual diffusion between adhesive layer and matrix and a innerstress on interfaces exist,there is a optimal thickness of adhesive layer in composites.
17.The overall height of catalyst bed as well as the optimal feeding point was obtained for different detritiation efficiency under specific mass transfer coefficient of catalysts.
18.In order to study the influence of structural parameters on the optimal normal load, a microslip model was used to formulate the nonlinear dry friction force.
19.To define the optimal methods of diagnosis of ureteral injury from blunt abdominal trauma, the intravenous urography and retrograde pyelograph were used for the earlier diagnosis of ureteral injury.
20.It deals with lots of factors from the process of networks modeling, node demand calculation, initial flow distribution, and the optimal design to the drawing of pipe networks and isopiestic line.