1.The Caracal Navy Issue now receives a missile velocity bonus for heavy assault missiles.
2.More than ten missiles were decoyed away from targets.
3.The angry crowd at the football match threw bottles and other missiles at the players.
4.The missile curved gracefully towards its target.
5.A missile hit the ship and sank it.
导弹击中了那艘船, 使其沉没了。
6.We got a fix on the missile launching site.
7.The smallest deflection of the missile could bring disaster.
8.The missile warhead hit the target, effecting a nuclear explosion.
导弹头命中目标, 完成了一次核爆炸。
9.Cruise missile is of great strategetic status in national defence.
10.US naval and air superiority was paralleled by Soviet superiority in land-based missile systems.
11.Their missile silos are below ground.
12.One of his yachts, the Pelorus, is fitted with bullet-proof glass and a missile detection system.
13.Aurelia Squadron : Missile off target!
14.The test data are analyzed,and air defense operation method for antiballistic missile target has been obtained from test results.
15.According to the researchers, "brava" and "Topol-M" intercontinental ballistic missile will be the future of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, the main body.
16.A application for the missile based on ommateum s structure and function is proposed, and a model based on ommateum is given.
17.Based on launch system,electropult currency property technology is analysed simply,which is one of the key technology of aerial defence missile sharing-rack launch.
18.Based on the submarine missile launcher's operational requirements and improving the level of standardize,communalize,serialize and modularize,discussed the problem of common frame launcher.
19.Dire Pithi Wrecker, Plunderer as well as Dire Guristas Wrecker and Plunderer were having orbit range problems for guns and missile. This has been fixed.
20.The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has urged China to stick to its promise not to militarize space following its test of an anti-satellite missile last week.