1.At tetrad stage, dyad, triad, tetrad with micronucleus and polyad appeared.
2.The chapter 2 focuses on the somatic function of the micronucleus during asexual reproduction and stomatogenesis in ciliated protozoan Pseudokeronopsis monilata.
3.The mutation potential of ethephon was by investigated the micronucleus test of bone marrow polychromatophilic erythroblasts (PCE) cells and sperm shape abnormality test in mice.
4.Purpose and Methods: In order to characterize the antimutagenic effect of seaweed polysaccharides(SP), the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test and mouse sperm malformation test were conducted.
5.Results The rate of micronucleus and chromosome aberratio n of vicia faba root tip cell in turn were the productive waste water,the tr eated water and the productive w...