1.Anthers sessile, circular, 2-loculed, introrse, connate into a synandrium, dehiscence longitudinal.
2.The first application is the analysis of aircraft longitudinal long-period oscillation named phugoid phenomenon.
3.For grating in the optical pick-up head, the compensability between the longitudinal and transverse error practical references on the manufacture of grating.
4.Characteristics:Complete automatic oil feeding,the longitudinal movement mechanism of latch needle and cylinder type traverser are good for sewing of cylinder type clothing.
5.This disorder is a longitudinal diagnosis and its clinical symptoms include hypomania, mania, mixed states, major depressive episode, hyperthymic temperament and depressive mixed state.
6.The purpose of prebending process of longitudinal submerged arc welding pipe production line is introduced;character of roller prebending and mould press type prebending is analyzed.
7.Monomotor bogies , where both axles of the bogie are driven by a single motor , often encounter torsional resonances, which lead to periodic longitudinal slip.