1.SCSI is the acronym for"small computer system interface". Pronounced "scuzzy".
2.My computer has a network interface, which allows me to get to other computers.
3.The new version of the program comes with a much better user interface than original.
4.The Minicard is a small form factor board used to implement the PCI Express interface on Notebook computers.
先看看mini PCI-e的定义,然后检测下,哪些针脚没信号 Mini PCI Express Bus Description A Brief Description of the MiniCard interface.
5.PLC main control tie-in hominize interface, large contact type liquid crystal display, easy operation, easy decode.
6.The asynchrony FIFO module can be applied in the other asynchrony interface circuit design in multi-clock system.
7.Using electrode interface capacitance and surface coverage to investigate the formation kinetics of NS monolayer in hexahydrobenzene solvent.
8.A device used to indicate that remote connection to an interfacing computer by Dataphone or Dataset is possible.
9.You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.
10.The industry design is inseparate from the man-machine interface design, which is in close association with the human psychology.
11.The practice shows that the PMAC-based CNC system has realized customerization of man-machine interface and parametrization of realtime control elements.
12.When you access the struct through the interface pointer, you don't have to unbox the struct to access that object.
13.All Agfa HealthCare digitizers offer the intuitive NX touch-screen interface user station, the radiographer's image identification and quality control tool.
14.Point Of Presence (POP) is the physical access location interface between a local exchange carrier and an Interexchange Carrier fiber network.
15.Chapter 5 steered the concrete programming, concrete curtate three working extent of authoriths of the indoles consumer, designed three working interfaces.
16.Recent advances and hot spots of bioturbation effect in benthic-pelagic interface were comprehensively reviewed, and the future research trends were prospected.
17.The interface device called SELCALL CONTROLLER is essential to transform the call process in air-ground communication from manual operation to automatic control.
18.The automatic weightometer burden system which controlled by computer,the principle of data communication between weightometer and microcontorller,the technology of hardware interface are presented.
19.Since a mutual diffusion between adhesive layer and matrix and a innerstress on interfaces exist,there is a optimal thickness of adhesive layer in composites.
20.A symmetrical ferromagnetic bilayer film is investigated under the nonperiodic boundary condition and considering anisotropic field at two surfaces,by using the rescaling interface approach.