1.CSP layer provides briefness and wieldy function library for trader doing encrypt integration.
2.Mitterrand was a fierce promoter of European integration.
3.This was the greatest event in the annals of European integration.
4.Finally, the tractate analyzes the data exchange and integration between the legacy system and CRM system.
5.Wenzhou Taichang Adhesive Prodcuts Co.,Ltd. is the integration of glue making, plastic coating, siliconizing, compoundingand processing.
6.Conclusion:Danpu capsule shows protective effect on the integration of the structure of prostatitic tissue cell.
7.We describe a subfringe integration interferometry for which the phase information is evaluated only from one interferogram.
8.But, there were extremely low efficiency of integration, unstable hereditation and expression in transgenic animals by the technique.
9.With the integration of world economy and globalization of competition, more and more interfirm cooperations have been thriving since 1980s.
10.The construction of boundary type cubature is a problem that has been noticed for a very long time in numerical integration.
11.Juyuan Network Engineering Co.,Ltd is a integrated enterprise engaging in building intellectualization and system integration mainly, also selling hi-tech as bywork.
12.The integration uncertain border value is estimated by fuzzy inference and the soft switch control is accomplished by tanh(x) function replacing sgn(x).
13.The new demands for establishing intelligent building information administration system are analyzed.To realize comprehension and integration of the system, multiagent technology is adopted.
14.We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU.
15.Transcultural management often pays attention to only the negative influence of cultural differences.Hence international enterprises attach importance to the culture merge in culture integration.
16.And this was an example where preplanning, preparedness and integration of HIV prevention and care into normal disaster management went on to save additional lives.
17.As a globate economic activity, globate integration of economics must be supported by economic ethics and demands every state would abide by economic ethical standards.
18.Carborne information system is the integration of all the electronic equipments of the car, it mainly consists of carborne information display system and malfunction diagnosis system.
19.Probability integration method of stochastic media expectation theory, which bases on the foundation of flaccid up-cover terrane and bestraddle of top board, is discontinuous media theory.
20.The time-varying and incommutable character of the coefficient matrix of periodically time-varying linear systems are the bottleneck of the design for high precision direct integration methods.