3.13 deform root groove teeth were observed with macroscopy and microscopiy.
4.Harley relaxed and began to groove.
5.This paper mainly discusses subjects such asprocessing,technology of pole coil wind ing,forming,manufacturing lead,punching,dove-tail groove,insulating,heat pr essing,encircling slot,etc.
6.The mainstructure parameters of spirally grooved tube are diameter of tube, fin pitch,corrugation depth, wall thickness, spirally angle and spira.
7.This occurs at the weak cannelure, which is a groove allowing the bullet casing to be sealed to the copper jacket.
8.The grooved head of the sprue puller creates an effective undercut which is used to pull the sprue, or secondary sprues in underfeed designs.
9.Unique straight or spiral grooved feed bush with force cooling system and unique screw ensure high plastification in low temperature, high speed extrusion of material.
10.Regional mucoperiosteal flap with labiobuccal groove mucoperiost-eal flap can cover the bone grafting closely,it gives the alveolar bone a normalcontour and need not second vestibuloplasty.
11.Piston rings require an oil film between ring and liner and between ring and piston groove to seal against these high pressures and to prevent blowby.
12.While other businesses are attracting new customers, this one seems to be stuck in a groove, and has been losing money for the last two years.
13.It includes the division of dissolving area, the redetermination of its length and width,downhill layout of dissolving area a nd improvement of drilling tunnel and cutting grooves.
14.The paper introduces single "U" groove welding procedure for stainless steel inner cylinder of multilayer high pressure vessel,opening up a new method for welding clading stainless steel vessel.