1.They are producing books in all kinds of different formats.
2.In macroprocess system, that part of macrodefinition which forms instruction format generated by the macroinstruction.
3.The CAD model of molar prosthesis is usually stored in standard templete library (STL) format.
4.Please format this floppy disc.
5.The file referenced on the FILE subcommand does not have the proper format for QUICK CLUSTER initial cluster centers.
6.The user has the option of arranging the images analogously to various standard format X-ray film mounts.
7.With thebuilt-in viewer, you can copy fragments of agraphic, plain and formatted text, PDF, HTML andothers files.
8.Thoth tells us that the ketav einayim is the overall format for which 144,000 different archangelic language stratum are contained within.
9.In seismic exploration, using SEG-D format is convenient and flexible, but this flexibility brings difficult in common use of demultiplex modular.
10.This paper gives an installation method of off—line printer in XENIX System V, it alse gives some practical method to modify the output format in the system.
11.For example, Digital's Lectrice file format included a pre-rendered bitmap representation of each page to allow for quick page turns, a prerequisite for the thumbing navigation metaphor.