Findings: Smooth midline cavity separating the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles (anterior to the foramen of Monro) and appearing isodense with cerebrospinal fluid.
Findings: Smooth midline cavity separating the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles (anterior to the foramen of Monro) and appearing isodense with cerebrospinal fluid.
Methods With alternative polarity stimulation of the peripheral segment of the facial nerve at stylomastoid foramen in cats, and recording of FNAEP by an electrode at the tympanic membrane.
Disease from surrounding structures can invade the masticator space via the pterygopalatine fossa, the buccal space immediately anterior to the ramus, the foramen ovale, or by way of direct invasion.
The common bile duct passes inferiorly, anterior to the epiploic foramen, where it is anterior to the right edge of the portal vein and on the right side of the hepatic artery.
Methods The height and the width of the mandibula r ramus,the locations of the mandibular foramen and the canal and so on were mea sured in 40 sides of mandibular ramus in 20 cadavers.