3.A fleshy berry-like fruit with a tough rind, as a lemon or orange.
Hesperidium 具坚韧果皮浆果状质果实,如柠檬或柑橘。
4.2(1) Fleshy or ligneous berry; seeds wingless; scandent often arboreous shrubs or small trees.
5.The anti free-radical,antihyperglycemic and anti-tumor effect of the fleshy fruit(EFF) and fleshy leaf(EFY) extract on Camellia oleifera Abel were investigated.
6.Drupe (pyrenocarp) A fleshy indehiscent fruit containing one or more seeds each surrounded by a hard stony wall, the endocarp.
7.Pectose exists in the fleshy pulp of unripe fruit;during the process of ripening it changes to pectin;by cooking, pectin is changed to pectosic acid, and by longer cooking to pectic acid.