1.Formation and development of ground fissure are controlled by neotectonics.
2.To describe the anisotropy of microdamage of the crust block, we use the damage tensor that is expressed in the fissure density.
3.It is associated with high perinatal mortality, thick fissured skin, marked ectropion (eyelid eersion), eclabium (eersion of the lips), and flexion deformities.
4.The orebody is controlled by SN, NW faults and fissures, the ore deposit belongs to magmatic hydrothermalism-stratabound and compound magmatic hydrothermalism type one.
5.The whole choroid fissure was clearly displayed as fissures full of cerebrospinal fluid on MRI.It go with choroid plexus of lateral ventricle congruously .
6.Methods The serial sheet transverse sections of the superior orbital fissure region obtained using collodion microtomy in 5 adult cadaver heads were observed.
7.Conclusions:Light cure pit and fissure sealant technique can be used to treat pit and fissure caries after the cariated dentin has been cleared up.
在彻底清除龋坏牙体组织后用光固化窝沟封闭术可以做为磨牙牙 合面窝沟龋的预防治疗方法之一。
8.In addition, the right hepatic vein was not an accurate indicator of the position of the right interlobar fissure especially in the superior part and inferior part.