1.I chipped the enamel on my front tooth when I fell over.
2.He collected coloured enamel bowls from Yugoslavia.
3.Widely used insecurity door, coopery, enamel, office supplie, automobile and household electrical appliance,etc.
4.Ameloblastin is a specific enamel matrix protein.It is synthesized and secreted by ameloblast and distributed around the enamel rods.
5.The surface can be treated with galvanization, electrolyse, plastic spray and porcelain enamel for different application situation.
6.An impure oxide of cobalt, used to produce a blue color in enamel and in the making of smalt.
7.We have many years of experience in producing kerosene cooking stove,kerosene heater and paraffine heater, porcelain enamel product, etc.
8.Acrylic perchloroviny enamel lacquer has good resistance to weather and corrosion.Its film is of rapid drying,smooth ,bright and polishable.
9.The additional enamel (much harder than the dentin in tooth interiors) makes hypsodont teeth more wear-resistant than low-crowned teeth are.
10.Heavy metal free glass enamels for toughening and heat strengthening. Borosilicate frit with added metaloxide pigments. All standard colors are intermixable.
11.Application of polyurethane enamel on farmer trucks with key points in the processes of phosphating, priming, atomic ash puttying and enamel spraying is described.
12.Titanium dioxide is the best adhesive in enamels, the products treated by TiO2 will get more lubricous, and have better acid resistance, of course, have better appearance, and luster.