3.Dragging the fully laden boat across the sand dunes was no mean feat.
4.Dipus sagitta showed a high density and was dominant in desert-type habitats, especially in sand dune.
聚类分析结果显示, 研究区啮齿动物群落可以分成荒漠型群落和绿洲型群落两大类。
5.South part is mainly lake beach bar system, including lake shore dune ridge and lake shore corcass.
6.Abstract: Serai process of vegetation on the sand of Zhanggutai in Liaoning province is from moving dune.
7.FOR all its paradisal waters, golden dunes and swanky “eco-lodges”, life in Kenya's coastal district of Kiunga, just a few miles from the border with Somalia, is hard.
8.The Yakou beach on the right side of the typhoon track was rather stable, with only a slight silting in the belt of middle tide besides erodedm manmade dunes in the landward backshore.
9.It receives its name from the echoing Shhhh that the sand makes as you step on its surface.Visitors here can try camel rides, can parasail, can slide the dunes or simply build sand castles.