14.Mr Rake predicted that some countries would harmonise their oversight of the accounting profession in the next decade.
15.288.Over the last few decades it has been a common practice to view the atmosphere from a zonally averaged perspective.
16.Gone are the support suspenders and gaudy steel rings that strangled the tower for much of the last decade.
17.Over the last few decades it has been a common practice to view the atmosphere from a zonally averaged perspective.
18.A review of the advances in the fluorophotometric determination of protein,covering mainly the period of the last decade,was presented(78 ref.cited).
19.Thanks to fewer side-effects, notwithstanding its premium price Zantac powered past Tagamet to become the market leader for the next decade.
20.A decade or so ago, I designed a simple circuit that included a quad optoisolator arranged in a full-wave analog-multiplier bridge (Figure 1).