3.Excellent cleaning with pasty kieselguhr discharge with no residues in cone.
4.ITW Hi-Cone runs continuous webs of carrier rings for various multipack counts.
5.There were some spiracle connected each other among the cover, column layer and the cone layer.
6.Inserts at the lower cone bottom , filter out iron mixed with raw materials , optional madel available.
7.Lack of the chlorolabe pigment in the retinal cone cells results in inability to discriminate green colors, or deuteranopia.
8.Hagrid buys ice cream cones for Harry and himself. Perhaps this was at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor (PA3).
9.1 string has cut off a guitar , the moment exchanging for has needed to unhitch other strengthening the spring cone?
10.As described at full belly project.org, the universal nut Sheller is basically a summand (cement) corn (cone) with in a corn (cone).
11.The observed clinal variation in the frequency of serotinous cones may be described as a fairly regular decrease in all directions .
12.Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms, each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil.
13.A certification method to the relationship between polhode cone and herpolhode cone is given when the rigid body is in a fixed point motion.
14.A physiotherapeutic apparatus for preventing and treating near sighted eye has a convex lens used as objective lens, lens cone, eyepiece, headgear and lens set.
15.The handle of the malleus, with the umbo at its tip, crosses the drum obliquely from the cone of light upward toward the short process.
16.The counterman scooped out Sumatran coffeebeans,ground them,put the grounds in a filter in the cone and poured hot water over them to give me a sample of their product.
17.In the third part of the screen the residual water is pressed out of the sludge, at a minimum filter cake thickness, by the pneumatic counterpressure cone at the press discharge.
18.After exogenous MJA treatment, the variation of the terpene volatiles in the conelet and cone were the same as the infested conelcets and cones, but the varying extents were not very high.
19.The smaller the canopy density of a forestis, the less the male cones are, and the smaller the ratio of male cones to female cones is.