The flame in the furnace can be looked at through colored glasses.
The flame in the furnace can be looked at through colored glasses.
The top is colored with silver stain, and the bottom treated with thionine.
On the basis of twenty years' accumulation, Jiangkouchun Group develop a colored liquor, Elide.
Eastern colored a little bit Fanzhaoyudu the sky, contracted slightly in Hong Yun, Piaozhe Purpurin Purpurin the Choi Wan.
His recent painting, Trees’ Susurrus Series, features root-like images of colored dots and lines, signifying a complicated unit of information.
Characters : Specially formulated to destain and bleach colored linens, helps to keep whites and colors bright.Reduces wash formula time.
Mixed Woven Nylon Scrap shall consist of assorted grades of colored or natural unblended nylon fiber that has been weaved into cloth.
Mixed Woven Nylon Scrap混杂被编织尼龙小块将包括被编织了入布料有颜或自然unblended 尼龙纤维被分类等级。
Suppresses kinds of winebottle and the allotypic glass, produces glass art products and the presents, the cut glass, the colored glass production.
As a non-glazed type,boccaro ware achieves its visual effect from its form and structure rather than the decorations of glazed, colored drawing.
Mainly uses in each kind of casting coating and in many kinds of ceramic colored glaze coating, serves as the parent metal the deflocculant, the thixotropic agent.
A condition caused by the ingestion of silver, the Argyria's most dramatic symptom is that the skin becomes blue or bluish-grey colored.
银摄入会带来银中毒并导致皮肤病, 银中毒 最明显症状是皮肤变成蓝或蓝灰。
Heulandite is one of the most common and one of the most well known members of the Zeolite Group. It can have a nice pearly luster and lovely colored hues......
After more byplay (many ideas given) the cake on the vest becomes colored in an array of bright colors - the vest itself is now a multi-colored display - time celebrate!