1.Water should be regularly chlorinated in public swimming baths to keep it pure.
2.The reaction between polystyrene having oxazoline groups(RPS) and chlorinated polyethylene(CPE) was investigated by FTIR, DSC methods.
3.A further problem arises, particularly, in the use of chlorinated hydrocarbons, because of their susceptibility to biomagnification.
4.With the mixture tests design, the interaction mechanism of borate, chlorinated paraffin and zinc dialkyldi thiophosphate (ZDDP) additives is studied.
5.It presented the synthetic methods as well as experiment results of brominated or chlorinated propyl antimonites and its intermediate propenyl anti-monite.
6.Nonbiodegradable pollutants, such as certain chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides (e.g.DDT) and heavy metals, such as lead, copper, and zinc in some industrial effluents, accumulate in the environment.