If σ_p(A) and σ_p(B) are not empty, then A,B are similar in the Calkin algebra C(H) if and only if there exists a compact operator K such that A + K ~ B.
果σ_p(A)和σ_p(B)都是非空集合, 则A,B在Calkin 代数C(H)相似当且仅当存在紧算子K 使A + K ~ B。
If σ_p(A) and σ_p(B) are not empty, then A,B are similar in the Calkin algebra C(H) if and only if there exists a compact operator K such that A + K ~ B.
果σ_p(A)和σ_p(B)都是非空集合, 则A,B在Calkin 代数C(H)相似当且仅当存在紧算子K 使A + K ~ B。