1.The heptanal butyl mercaptal was synthesized with heptanal, sodium thiosuifate and 1bromobutane as raw materials.
2.In stead of using butyl nitrite and absolute ethyl-ether as reagents,in an improved method,cupferron.
3.The bulk and solution photopolymerization of vinyl butyl ether were studied using diph-enyl-4-thiophenoxyphenyl sulfonium salt (DPTS) as photoinitiator.
4.Phragmoplast of coil coating has been prepared by free radical polymerization and by using acrylic acid,methyl methacrylate,butyl acrylate as the raw materials.
5.N butyl 2 ethoxy thioacridone was prepared from o chloro benzoic acid and p phenetidine by means of Ullman reaction,cyclization,N alkylation and sulfurization.
6.The technical advantages and disadvantages of natural rubber liner, chloroprene rubber liner, precuring butyl rubber liner and room temperature self-vulcanization butyl rubber liner are compared.
7.The main materials we used are including silicone rubber, fluorubber, natural rubber, neoprene rubber, EPDM, butyl rubber, polyurethane, polyethylene, EVA, ABS, PP, and PVC.
8.In this paper, the PVA of major component in the Sensitized emulsion was modified by the polyreaction with formaldehyde, butyl aldehyde, furfural and alcohol.