1.A scale-like bract enclosing the pistil in Carex.
雌器 Perigynium (pl. perigynia) 苔草属中,包被雌蕊鳞状。
2.In the daisy family the numerous bracts which subtend the inflorescence are known as an involucre.
3.Rachis and pedicels lanuginose or tomentose; bracts orbicular-ovate, 5–7 mm, both surfaces densely sericeous; calyx adaxially densely sericeous; leaf base subcordate.
4.Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms, each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil.
5.Utricles convex on both sides; rostra nearly equal to length of kernel; seed free from pericarp; leaves and bracts acicular to spinulose at apex.