1.Perfume from battle-fields rising, up from the foetor arising.
2.A root arising from the node of a prostrate stem.
根 Radicant 匍匐茎节上出根。
3.However, when constructing ragingly, we should see many arising issues.
4.The quantity of motion is the measure of the same, arising from the velocity and quantity of matter conjointly.
5.Result KPF is nonsteroid of resisting inflammation with strong effect and is important to control pain arising from diseases.
6.Quillworts are heterosporous, mainly aquatic perennials, with a dense rosette of tubular quill-like leaves arising from a short, stout rootstock.
7.In a word, the arising of civil public prosecution doesn’t mean the end of current civil counterplea of prosecution in China.
8.In details, the paper discusses the history track, summarizing the characteristics of every phase and analysing the arisings of Litigation Support of Forensic Accounting.
9.Dikaryon (dicaryon) A fungal hypha or mycelium whose cells each contain two different nuclei, arising from the fusion of two compatible cells, each with one nucleus.