1.The first drug approved for use against HIV, zidovudine (AZT), is a nucleoside analogue as well.
2.Carbasugars,carbocyclic analogues of true sugars,are compounds in which the ring-oxygen of furanoid or pyranoid sugars is replaced by methylene group.
3.Lenalidomide, a novel analogue of thalidomide, belongs to the immunomodulatory drug (IMiD) for the treatment of multiple myeloma and myelodysplastic syndrome.
4.Applying franklinism analogue method to abtain the corresponding solution in a constant field with some known solutions in the electrostatic field.
5.The SOD like activity of analogue of SOD has measured by the method based reduction of nitro blue terrazolium (NBT) by lactoflavin .
6.Finally, we gained four esterifiable quinolone analogues (compounds 22 to 25) by modifying the structures of compound 3, 14 and 16 on 3 position.
7.The current methods for the study of physic process of the geofluid's movement mainly consist of qualitative analysis, numerical simulation and analogue experiment.
8.Sometimes it is said that discrete power amplifier design is rather unenterprising, given the enormous outpouring of ingenuity in the design of analogue ICs.
9.In order to optimize the washing and eluting solution, the adsorption of fisetin in different solutions was studied.It was found that the fisetin and analogue quercetin were separated primely.
10.In this paper,the cam explorator in contour lathe is designed direct according to the contour of primary products with the mathematical analogue of the working course of the cam。