2.His twentyfirst birthday party was amazing—his parents had spared no expense.
3.I was witness to one of the most amazing comebacks in sprinting history.
4.Well!Look at that amazing sight!
5.The scientist’s experiments have thrown great light on the amazing ways honeybees communicate in their dark hives.
6.If you put 5 Flak Troopers inside it you'll have an amazing anti-tank and anti-air defense that can outrange most vehicles!
7.Now, love was Miss Amelia Sedley's last tutoress, and it was amazing what progress our young lady made under that popular teacher.
8.Prosopagnosia is a kind of amazing face process confusion.Patients can t recognize those who they are familar with,even their relatives and chummy.
9.The peko-peko's skin is toxic, and most predators leave it alone. Sentient hunters prey on the peko-peko to harvest the amazing anti-venin the animal secretes.
10.But whatever the variation, it is always noted that not only does this Mauler have an amazing amount of magic coursing through it, but that it is the only Mauler ever known to have been enchanted.