1.The wallrock alterations of gold mineralization include silicification,pyritization,sericitization,potassic alteration,chloritization and carbonitization.
2.Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code.
基因突变是指DNA 密码改变。
3.The alterations to your coat will take a week.
4.Any alterations should be written in neatly to the left side.
改动部分应书写清晰, 插在正文左。
5.The faulted structure,hydrothermal alteration,gossan,geophysical-geochemical exploration anomalies are comprehensive ore-hunting indicators.
6.The shirt needs alteration.
7.The change in the character of cell is determined by the alteration of genetics and epigenomics.
8.Age-related alteration in hepatic acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase and its relation to LDL receptor and MAPK.
9.Piedmont potassic alteration zone is the product of potsash feldspathization, part of the zone is ore body.
10.Objective To compare the uterogestation of endametrium alteration and uterine arteria blood flow with ectopic pregnancy using color Doppler ultrasonography.
11.Through researches on porphyre rock body, alteration zoning and ore indicators and the ore-searching model are established in the area.
12.In addition , only pentlandite, coffinite and the epidote in the alteration zone of volcanogene hydrothermal gold deposit are typomorphic minerals.
13.Zhaocun bentonite deposit oringnated from tuff rich in volcanic hyalocrystalline,which underwent hydrolysis and alteration in Changxing county,Zhejiang province.The deposit has middle scale.
14.They can be divided into low sulphidation and high sulphidation types,with typical wall rock altera tion and alteration zonation of epit hermal de-posit.
15.The Hongniu Cu deposit in "Sanjiang Metallogenetic Zone" is occurred in the skarnization alteration zone in the margin of marble and the hornfels body.
16.To study the content alteration of bacterial endotoxin in the exudant from the root canals of periapical treated with calcium hydroxide as intracanal medicament.
17.To study the content alteration of bacterial endotoxin in the exudant from the root canals of periapical diseases treated with calcium hydroxide as intracanal medicament.
18.In the ductile shear belt,the alteration and zonation of tectonite and wall rock are obviously,and miliolite belt,quartz,iron pyrite,ankerite alteration belt and gold mineralization belt are trinity.