Retention policies that your system administrator sets supercede the archive settings for folders.
Retention policies that your system administrator sets supercede the archive settings for folders.
His constant vacillation made him an unfit administrator.
他经常优柔寡断, 这使他不适合当官员。
Equites were used provide the primary administrators of certain Imperial functions under the title praefectus ("someone put in charge").
The role of administrator absorbed much of Ben’s energy.
You have the vague sense that the hospital administrator dresses like a trollop?
|那记得那个穿象妓女 吗?
Deskman SE allows you to tightly secure desktops and lock computers, and it's suited for both home users and administrators.
If an administrator has no access to information, it’s as if he was purblind and hard of hearing and had a stuffed nose.
In this reform, the economic relations and administration subjection relations among monarch, hereditary seignior, abbey, feudatory aristocrat, local administrators, and were rehackled and adjusted.
The Executive is not to be the administrator of specific laws, but the formulator of policies, decrees and rulings which will have the force of law.
When a person dies testate – that is, with a valid will – an executor, executrix, or administrator takes over the task of winding up the decedent's financial affairs.