1.Objective To study the methods and the experiences of pituitary adenoma resection via direct monorhinic endonasal transsphenoidal approach.
2.Conclusion The larger pleomorphic adenoma predominantly occur at the parotid,submaxillary gland or palate,while the smaller one at lip,bucca,gingiva,frons and nasolabial sulcus.
3.In nuclide scan, there were 45 nodi of thyroid adenoma including 4 "hot nodi", 8 "wann nodi" and 33 "cool or cold nodi".
4.In all cases no one primarily recurred.Conclusions:Endoscopic treatment by endothermy heater forcels biopsy is an effective and safe therapetic method for flat colonic adenoma.
5.Here, we report a case of an 81-year-old female who suffered from epigastralgia and was diagnosed as tubulovillous adenoma with malignant change of the stomach after panendoscopy with biopsy.