3.Accounting principles are also referred to as standards.
4.There was no love lost between the sales and the accounting departments.
5.He should go in for accounting because he has a good head for figures.
6.The article takes Bayangol Mangol Autonomous Prefecture as example,carries out researching on economic accounting of environmental...
7.It is an analysis of the retained earnings accounts (both appropriated and unappropriated) for the accounting period.
8.Mr Rake predicted that some countries would harmonise their oversight of the accounting profession in the next decade.
9.All of this request us to resurvey the traditional accounting model and make the reconstruction of the accounting system possible.
10.The occurrence of hypokaliemia in both hyperplasia Cushing syndrome patients and those with adrenoma was all higher, accounting for 30.43% and 33.33%.
11.Ecological footprinting is an accounting tool that represents the environmental impacts of a process or person’s lifestyle as an area of land.
12.Qualification of investors: technology transfer, catenation manage, independence sales, independence accounting, share market resources, and investors must have factory building, field, machines.
13.Through analyzing and accounting evocable error of tool's transmutation during milling process,the compensatory method to the error in NC machining has been put forward.
14.This showed constitutor of standard of our country accounting complies with international trend, the manner that standard of accounting of hope our country draws close to international convention.
15.Those enterprises keep books at planned cost or norm cost in daily accounting shall account for the coit variances and adjust planned cost (or norm cost) into historical cost periodically.