1.Our water supply is becoming polluted with nitrates.
2.Nitroglycerin is obtained by nitrating glycerol.
3.Silver nitrate is a salt.
4.Composite W-Cu oxide nanopowder was prepared by spray-drying and milling of ammonium metatungstate(AMT) and cupric nitrate.
5.Qualified nickelous, sulfate, nickelous nitrate and nikel monoxide were prepared with waste raney nickel catalyst as raw material.
6.In the presence of ethanonitrile and polyethylene glycol, anthrone reacts with ammonium ceric nitrate to form 1 nitroanthraquinone.
在乙腈、相化剂聚乙二醇存在下 ,蒽酮与硝酸铈铵反应生成 1 -硝基蒽醌。
7.It is well known that the nitrate and nitrite from environment is causally related to infant methemoglobinemia and esophageal cancer.
8.They are formed byatmospheric photochemistry reaction, and could product OH radical, alkyl radical, ozone,carboxylic acid peroxyacetyl nitrates by atmospheric photochemistry reaction.
9.CONCLUSION The antifungal effect of miconazole nitrate emulsio n is strong, while mucosa irritation of its inclusion compound is not obvious.
10.The new research progress of the effect of additives on thermal stability and explosivity of the ammonium nitrate is systema-tically introduced.
11.The function of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in photochemical smog formation and the formative process of ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate are discussed.
12.Schneiderite, for instance, consisting of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and dinitronaphthalene, is mixed in an edge runner in batches of 60kg.
13.Result SFS oral liquid can restrain the movement of mouse, cooperate with soluble pentobarbitone, resist to strychnine nitrate.The more dosage the more effect.
14.Nitro 1,2,4 triazole 5 one(NTO)can be obtained by nitrating 1,2,4 triazole 3 one (TO) under different conditions,and nitrobenzyl derivatives of TO are prepared as well.
15.The main body of a book is adopt to follow different condition of admeasurement in vitro to active effect of stem tumour mustard hydrogen nitrate reductase.
16.This paper presents the studies on the reaction form of urea or nitrourea which condenses with nitrolysis fragments of urotropine to form Keto-RDX in nitrating agents.
17.Palladium can be separated from polyxene by the process of resolving polyxene,removing nitrate,precipitating palladium,etc.The grade of pure platinum obtained from the process is more than 99.95%.