2.On 2 April 1916 air-raid warnings sounded throughout Edinburgh.
1916 年4 月2 日空袭警报响彻了整个爱丁堡。
3.April 15 is the deadline for filling individual income-tax returns.
4."Every April, when these trees become mature, they will spread the blowball," she said.
5.April pinked the earth with flowers.
6.The crane lifts the cars from a huge sinkhole that opened up in Moscow's Buto-vo district, April 2, 2009.
7.Four pre-strike episodes are scheduled to begin airing April 14. Expected to shoot 2 additional episodes. Airdate for those is TBD.
8.From April 2003 to April 2004,5 women with early stage cervical carcinoma were scheduled for radical trachelectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy as treatment.
9.The following day, 26 April, the Postulator paid his respects at the tomb of the Servant of God in the Ljubljana cemetery.
10.Un-seasonably warm weather in April and May have helped boost sugar content and overall quality, and conse-quently prices, of the 2008 watermelons.
11.Almost immediately after the first Hellboy movie was released in April, 2004, rumours of a squel were spreading throughout the internet like wildfire.
15.The oidium and the snails (which eat the young shoots) had shown up very early, in April, and were generally dealt with effectively right then.
16.Last year, we reached the camp in late April and found them gushing,” said Shailee Basnet, a young journalist from Nepal who climbed Everest in 2008.
17.Lapuszewski and H.Lipko, under direction of R.Gundlach.In April 1937 there were two TKS-D prototypes completed, rebuilt from serial tankette TKS nr.8897 and a prototype tankette TKS-B nr.1510.
18.The imago period is from the early April to end of May.The reproduction belongs to amphigenesis, but it may happen female parthenogenesis.A female average egg number is 3975.
19.April Fool's Day thus developed into an international funfest, so to speak, with different nationalities specializing in their own brand of humor at the expense of their friends and families.