如何用手机拍出酷炫的骑行照片? How to take EPIC cycling photos with your PHONE while riding


Commercial photographer and one of my greatest Inspirations in photography, Chase Jarvis once said the best camera is the one you have with you.

For myself and most of us around the world, that is our phone. It's super portable. It's super easy to use and with every year, the image quality is getting better and better.

In this three-part tutorial video series, I'm going to teach you guys how to use your phone to get the coolest cycling photos you possibly can.

In part one, I'm going to discuss all of the features in your camera and how these can be used to get great cycling images.

In part two, I'm going to discuss some of the concepts that I've learned over the past 15 years as a professional photographer, in order to make your cycling images as creative and unique as possible.

And in part three, I'm going to go out for a ride with a cyclist and do a real world photo shoot with my phone along the way to give you guys some insights as to how I shoot while I'm out riding.

A quick disclaimer on this video, I am discussing a lot of it to do with the Apple iPhone.

However, all of the photography techniques I discuss and a lot of the features in the camera are going to be applicable to all different brands of device.

So even if you're using another brand, do stick around because there's lots you can learn. So with all that being said, I'm super excited to start this video series.

Let's get into it. This is how to shoot the best possible cycling photos with your phone.
