Big Decisions: Nuremberg Trials' Important Verdicts


After the conclusion of World War II, the  Nuremberg trials were the most debated and significant events in the aftermath.

The Nuremberg  trials was held to try some of the former Nazi leaders as war criminals.

Each was charged with  crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and a common plan or conspiracy to commit  the acts listed in the first three counts.

In this video, we will look closely at some of the men  who stood trial and the sentences they received.

It is important to note that not every Nazi  who was guilty of war crimes was brought to justice.

There was a mass of suicides after the  war ended, includingmost famouslyAdolf Hitler and Eva Braun.

A significant number of  prominent Nazis killed themselves before they could be tried, a portion of which managed  to commit suicide while in police custody.

Even more disturbing is the number of active Nazi  Party members who eluded authorities and escaped standing at the Nuremberg trials, including Adolf  Eichmann, Josef Mengele, Walter Rauff, Franz Stangl, Josef Schwammberger, Erich Priebke, and  Gerhard Bohne.

Although most of these men were eventually brought to justice, many lived until  a ripe old age in prison, with notorious Nazi physician Josef Mengele living out the rest  of his life as a free man in South America.

The Nuremberg trials were held in Nurembergas many of the buildings in the German capital of Berlin had been destroyed or damaged  during the war.
