In the famous words of Bob Ross, we don't make mistakes, we have happy little accidents.
Though PBS' patron saint of happy little trees was talking about painting, I like to believe that these words of wisdom also apply to all corners of life, including food.
Some dishes evolve over time through cultural influences, and others are intentionally developed by researchers on a quest to delight our taste buds.
But there are some foods that have come into existence through a series of mishaps and unintended happenstance.
Here are just a few instances of foods being invented purely by accident.
Most parents today would not let their kids eat something that's been left outside overnight.
But before the dawn of helicopter parenting, kids just ran amok, completely unsupervised, and stuck whatever they found in their mouths.
Grass, dirt, leaves.
Statistically, you'd have to think that at some point a child would shove something into their mouths that would cause a ripple effect, a culinary quantum wave, if you will, that would change the world as we know it.
And that is exactly what happened in 1905 when an 11-year-old San Francisco Bay Area boy by the name of Frank Epperson accidentally invented the Popsicle.